
Original Publication:
Dark Sound

Economy: Science that studies the resources, creation of wealth and the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services to satisfy human necessities.

Ecology: Ecology is the science that studies the interrelations between the different living beings and their environment: “the biology of the ecosystems.” It studies how these interactions between organisms and their surroundings affect properties such as distribution or abundance.

Realpolitik: (“politics of reality” in German) is a style of politics or diplomacy based in practice interests and concrete interests, without relying on theory or philosophy as elements in “policy formation.” Realpolitik has served as an argument to the Ecuadorian Government to justify petrol extraction.

Naturalpolitik: Term coined by Bruno Latour in allusion to realpolitik which designates a development of political environmentalism which, in opposition to militant environmentalism, seeks to renovate public life without problematizing that idea of nature as conceived to be poisoned.

This is the introduction, in the form of an epilogue, that I wrote for my friend Mikel R. Nieto’s book, Dark Sound. Published in 2016 by Gruenrekorder, it included a whole set of materials about the impact — direct or indirect — of noise caused by the oil industry to people, the environment and the planet’s fauna. Two curious details about this publication:

  • It contains a CD of black polycarbonate with 34 recordings.
  • Its price continues to oscillate according to the market value of Brent oil